Past Adult Education Sessions
Find recordings and handouts from past Adult Education sessions here!
Heaven: Just Where Do You Think You Are Going?
October 20–December 1
Have you ever heard it said that the Christian’s last day (on Earth) is their best day? Come and see how this can be so. Christ said to lay up treasure in Heaven where neither moths nor vermin destroy and where thieves do not break in. Was He talking about safe deposit boxes and a secret conduit to a heavenly bank vault for you after you cash in your chips on Earth? Or something else?
Watch Week ONE Recording
Watch Week TWO Recording
Watch Week THREE Recording
Watch Week FOUR Recording
Watch Week FIVE Recording
Watch Week SIX Recording
Watch Week SEVEN Recording
Who Do You Say I Am?
September 8–October 13
Explore who God is with Elder Larry Williams in a six-week series on the Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit, taken from RC Sproul’s Foundations video series. Discover, discuss, and dig into this crucial and mysterious aspect of our Christian faith.
Sept 8, Week One Recording
Sept 15, Week Two Recording
Sept 22, Week Three Recording
Sept 29, Week Four Recording
Oct 6, Week Five Recording
Oct 13, Week Six Recording
Think on These Things
June 2-July 14, 2024
Keep scripture in your heart this summer by joining this stimulating, intergenerational Bible study, Think on These Things. Led by Maggie Downs, all are invited to this interactive series that includes singing, teaching, family-friendly activities, discussion, and time for fellowship. Continental breakfast provided! In-person only.
Throughout this series we will share with you videos and documents to which you may want to refer back. You will find them here.
June 2: Memory verse song for Genesis 1:1
June 9: Memory verse song for Joshua 1:9
June 16: Option 1 Memory verse song for Psalm 23; Option 2 Memory verse song for Psalm 23
June 23: Memory verse song for the Ten Commandments
June 30: Memory verse song for Matthew 22:37-39
July 7: Memory verse song for 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
July 14: Memory verse song for 1 John 4:7-8
From Hurt to Healing
April 21 & 28, 2024
Guest teacher from Circle Urban Ministries, James Borishade, will be sharing “From Hurt to Healing: Confronting Childhood Trauma in Adult Lives.” This presentation focuses on the long-term effects of childhood trauma and the coping mechanisms individuals develop to survive. We’ll discuss therapeutic approaches and community support strategies to move from hurt to healing, emphasizing resilience and recovery.
Praying at the Stop Sign: Spiritual Preparation for a Major Life Change
March 17 & 24, April 7 & 14, 2024
Facilitated by Pastor Paul as part of his preparation for his own retirement, we’ll look at four interconnected spiritual aspects of any significant life change and how we can prepare to navigate those seasons well. Retiring? Relocating? Remarrying? Or simply realizing that some part of your life is changing permanently? This series is for you.
WATCH Week One Recording and download Week One Handout
WATCH Week Two Recording and download Week Two Handout
WATCH Week Three Recording and download Week Three Handout
WATCH Week Four Recording and download Week Four Handout
Belief In Action: World Relief Chicagoland
March 10, 2024
Jon Ebersole and Holly Tseng of World Relief lead a Belief in Action session on World Relief Chicagoland. Learn more about the important work of this Christian humanitarian organization, and how we can effectively partner with them.
Welcome Kits—Gather and donate items for welcome kits on a consistent basis – maybe that’s one, two, eight, twelve per year! See the World Relief Welcome Kit Donation Guide.
English Language and Youth Tutors—Volunteer in person or virtually.
- English tutors work with adult language learners to help them advance in their language skills through weekly meetings for 4-6 months. Timing is flexible, appointments can happen over Zoom, WhatsApp, or in person (or a combination). Training is provided, so no experience is required.
- Youth tutors work with youth elementary-high school aged to support academic success by assisting with homework, practicing English together, and supporting mental health through the presence of a “mentor” figure who cares about them. Tutoring can also be done virtually or in person, with a weekly commitment of 4-6 months. Training is provided and matches are made based upon areas of interest and ages tutors are comfortable working with. Parents may also get connected with the tutor through the tutoring sessions.
Transportation Assistant—If you need more flexibility in scheduling, join the transportation volunteer list and serve when you can. There are opportunities to help people get to appointments, as well as greeting refugees at O’Hare airport when they first arrive to the US. Daytime and evening opportunities are available, and training and on-call support are provided for every transportation service time.
For more information contact Jon Ebersole or Holly Tseng.
Six Weeks of Hell with Elder Rich
January 21 – March 3, 2024
This series will provide a clear exposition of what Scripture says (and what it doesn’t say) about hell. We will hear from Jonathan Edwards (via John Gerstner), Rob Bell, Francis Chan, Dante, C.S. Lewis, and others, through six interactive, multimedia classes. See you then! Join us in person or online in the Maxwell Room on the west side of the building. The link to join the class is found in the Thursday eNews.
WATCH Week One
WATCH Week Two
WATCH Week Three
WATCH Week Four
WATCH Week Five
WATCH Week Six
Belief in Action: God Working Around the World
February 25, 2024
A special mission-focused Adult Ed. Lisa Alfonsi from The Antioch Partners, Daniel Ryumugabe from Flourish Rwanda, and Ed Aulie from Last Frontiers will share their stories of how God is working in Peru, Rwanda, and Mexico, respectively. These three missionaries have devoted their lives to the service of others. Learn more about their call, their work, and the amazing things that God is doing through them.
A Story of Reconciliation
January 14, 2024
Kevin Radzinski shares with us his amazing experience as Area Director of Young Life in Oak Park and River Forest. Come learn how Jesus is working to break down the “walls of hostility“ that are dividing students attending two of our local high schools. And, how the other two local high schools are joining in the fellowship. Watch a recording of the session (password required; contact the office).
Journey In Hope
November 26 – December 17
This special Advent Adult Ed explores various aspects of hope: praying in hope, giving in hope, living in hope.
Session 1 Handout | WATCH Session 1 Recording from November 29
Session 2 Handout | WATCH Session 2 Recording from December 3
Session 3 December 10 Session is CANCELLEDED
Session 4 | WATCH Session 4 Recording from December 17
Chesed in the Bible
October 29 – November 19
“Ḥesed in the Bible” is a four-week class led by Steven Denny, starting Sunday, October 29.
The Hebrew word “Ḥesed” has been mentioned from the First Pres pulpit on many occasions. The noun “Ḥesed” occurs 247 times in the Old Testament and the adjectival form “chasiyd” occurs 35 times. Psalm 136 has “Ḥesed” in all 26 verses—”God’s Ḥesed endures forever.” The well-known translation is “steadfast love,” but those words hardly scratch the surface of this amazing and complex word. This four-week class will dig deep into the etymology of Ḥesed, ancient and modern translations of Ḥesed, the Ḥesed of Yahweh, and human Ḥesed.
WATCH recording from October 29, 2023
WATCH recording from November 5, 2023
WATCH recording from November 12, 2023
Six Steps to a Stronger Core
September 10 – October 22
Anyone who understands personal fitness knows a strong core enhances your balance and stability and underpins almost everything you do. The same is true for an organism like the church. A century ago, a very different Presbyterian denomination identified six values that contribute to a strong core. Last year the First Pres Session identified six core values that define this congregation. Providentially they align.
Led by Pastor Paul, we invite you to come to this six-week session and explore how we as a congregation are building our core for balance, endurance, stability, and a future of growth in faith and witness.
Watch the Recording | The Power of Music, October 1, 2023
Watch the Recording | Biblical Teaching, October 8, 2023
Watch the Recording | Belief in Action, October 22, 2023
Special Adult Ed with Former Pastor Dave Worth
Dr. Rev Dave and Nancy Worth returned to First Pres for a special Adult Ed. Pastor Dave served as assistant pastor at First Pres from 1966-72, then returned as senior pastor from 1999-2006. Dave and Nancy share their life experiences from their time in River Forest, as well as the years between and following, reflecting on the profound impact the people at First Pres have had on their lives.
Jonah: A Prophet on the Run
April 30-May 21
In this Adult Ed series, “Jonah–A Prophet on the Run,” Steven Denny leads us through one chapter a week for four weeks, April 30-May 21. We look at the messages this holds for us: Am I OK with the fact that God loves my enemies? When God says “Go,” do I go? Do I have room in my theology for God to “change his mind”?
April 30: Week One Handout | Watch Session
May 7: Week Two Handout
May 14: Week Three Handout | Watch Session
May 21: Week Four Handout | Watch Session
Springtime for First Pres!
April 2, 2023
Pastor Paul leads a conversation about growth and renewal, and where we are heading as a congregation coming out of the winter of COVID.
Are You Smarter Than a Middle Schooler?
April 16, 2023
16 Weeks of Confirmation in 56 Minutes
Pastor Paul leads a conversation about what it means to be confirmed, what our confirmands have been learning, and your role in the lives of our new confirmands.
Growing Closer to God: A Lenten Journey
March 5-26, 2023
Led by Nancy Nicholas, Growing Closer to God is an opportunity to learn and experience practical ways to help you grow closer to God this Lenten season.
Join us in person (in the Maxwell Room) or online (link in Thursday email) at 9:00 am.
March 5, 2023 class: Watch session and download handout
March 12, 2023 class: Watch session and download handout
March 19, 2023 class: Watch session and download handout
March 26, 2023 class: Watch session and download handout
Belief in Action
January 8-February 26, 2023
Belief in Action: Missions at First Pres River Forest
First Pres has an impact far beyond the corner of Quick and Lathrop. As a church, we support missionaries across the country and across the globe. In this series, you’ll have a chance to learn more about the many missions that First Pres supports; the work they are doing to live out the great commandment, and how you can get involved. Each week will feature a different mission partner. We will learn about the challenge facing our community or the world that they are tackling while bringing the love of Christ to those who need it most.
January 8 | Ike Muzikowski, Chicago Hope Academy | Chicago Hope Presentation Slides
January 15 | Lisa Alfonsi, Camino de Vida
January 22 | Dan McNerney, Frontier Fellowship
January 29 | Carissa Zaffiro, Exodus World Service
February 5 | Kevin Radzinski, Young Life
February 12 | Heather Radzinski, Opportunity International
February 19 | James Borishade, Circle Urban Ministries
February 26 | Nancy Nicholas, Pars Theological Centre
The Incarnation
December 4-18
At Christmas, we celebrate the incarnation—the time that God became human and dwelled among us. The incarnation is miraculous, joyful, and also mysterious. This essential doctrine has been the topic of much controversy both within historic Christianity, as well as with people of other faith traditions. We will spend the weeks leading up to Christmas understanding the biblical and theological basis for our belief that the eternal, omnipotent, and omnipresent God became just like us so that we could be redeemed.
The Holiness of God
October 16 – November 20
Six-week series based on RC Sproul’s book by the same name. Led by Rich Nitzsche, this study will use videos, study guides, and RC Sproul’s book. We will explore the meaning and significance of God’s holiness and how it is utterly foundational to come to a right understanding and appreciation of His grace, mercy, and love for us:
- The Importance of Holiness
- The Trauma of Holiness
- Holiness and Justice (not recorded)
- The Insanity of Luther
- The Meaning of Holiness
- The Holiness of Christ
What Would You Say? Practicing Conversations About Your Faith
September 11-October 9
Four-week hands-on series, led by Lynn Hancock. (September 11 session was not recorded.)
Exodus World Service Refugee Simulation
September 28
We interrupt Lynn’s series for a special one-week presentation by Exodus World Service.
This story-driven simulation gives participants the opportunity to take on the roles of refugees forced to flee their homeland, and consider what refugees experience when fleeing war and persecution. An Exodus facilitator will guide your group to understand the complex refugee journey. What will you bring? Who will you encounter? What life-changing decisions will you make? The activity ends with a debrief and reflections on the choices made. Learn more about the refugee experience and what role we can play to support them right here in Chicago.
Summer 2022
My Faith Journey
June 12-July 31, 2022
My Faith Journey: Where I Am and How I Got Here
We are all on a journey we call faith. No matter where you are on your personal journey you will be encouraged by hearing about others’ journeys. You may even be called to be an encourager to others!
June 12: Emily Byrd
June 19: Bill Todd
June 26: Jason Perez
July 10: Traci Melcher
July 17: Laura Ross-Huff
July 24: Conrad Brenneman
July 31: Lynette Colmey
May-June 2022
Not A Fan
May 1-June 5, 2022
Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus
Led by Don Huber
Jesus is not looking for fans, but completely committed followers. How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way Jesus loved. This is a six-week study based on the Kyle Idleman book by the same name.
Sunday, May 15 | WATCH RECORDING
Sunday, May 22 | WATCH RECORDING
Sunday, May 29 | WATCH RECORDING
Sunday, June 5 | WATCH RECORDING
APRIL 2022
The Resurrection of Jesus
April 10 and 24
Special Easter Study | The Resurrection of Jesus
Led by Mark Jurewicz
Christ rising from the dead is the lynchpin of Christianity. Did it really happen or was it all a hoax? Learn the compelling evidence, both biblical and extra-biblical that point to Jesus’ resurrection.
Sunday, April 10 | WATCH RECORDING
Sunday, April 24 | WATCH RECORDING
March 2022
The Reformation
Three Reformers: Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox
A three-week series on the Reformation led by Terry McIntyre. This study covers the historical, cultural and theological context that brought about the Reformation; these uniquely different individuals linked by a common cause; the differences in their private and public lives; and, the result of their actions and writings.
Sunday, March 20 | WATCH RECORDING
Sunday, March 27 | WATCH RECORDING
Sunday, April 3 | WATCH RECORDING
Frontier Mission in a Post-Pandemic World
March 6: Frontier Mission in a Post-Pandemic World The world has been through a lot of turmoil in these past two years. Peacemaking and presenting the Gospel to a more divisive, contentious, and bruised world has never been more important. How can the global church begin to take a lead in our world, showing people the higher route and more grace-filled path of Jesus? How can we learn to be a more peaceful witness among people of a different religious, ethnic, or even political background? Rev. Dan McNerney of Frontier Fellowship returns to share his perspective and lessons learned from his 25 years of mission mobilization work.
WATCH A RECORDING Contact the church office for the passcode.
February 2022
The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis
February 20 – WATCH: Week Three Recording
February 27 – WATCH: Week Four Recording
January 2022
Adult Education
January 30 –Watch a recording of the January 30 Adult Ed session with James Borishade. Download slides: Irreconcilable Differences – James Borishade. James Borishade, executive director of Circle Urban Ministries, returns to lead a discussion titled “Irreconcilable Differences.”
December 2021
Colors of Advent
View recordings of our three-week Adult Ed series, led by Pastor Paul, exploring the symbolic meaning behind the colors of Advent—purple, pink, and blue.
October-November 2021
Bible Geeks, Fall 2021 | Handouts & Recordings of Past Sessions
This season of Bible Geeks will be focused on the topic of Old Testament Theology. As we are going through the New City Catechism this year, we are beginning with foundational questions of our faith rooted in the Old Testament Scriptures. Yet these were written to a people and a culture far different from ours…and it had a meaning to them at the time, which means it has to make sense in their cultural context. How can we, as 21st century people, understand what God revealed in the Old Testament – such as things about food, clothing, prophecy, sin, salvation, etc.? In Bible Geeks this year, we will attempt to bridge the context from the Ancient Near East to the 21st Century United States and see what we, as modern Christians, can take away from God’s revelation in the Old Testament.
The schedule will be as follows:
10/17 – Who is the God of the Old Testament?
10/24 – What is the purpose of humanity and the cosmos?
10/31 – What is the Old Testament’s theology of covenant and the kingdom of God?
11/7 – What is the role of the Temple and the Law?
11/14 – How does the Old Testament understand sin and evil?
11/21 – What is the Old Testament’s view of salvation and the afterlife?
For those interested in getting deeper into the material, the main inspiration for this class is John Walton’s book Old Testament Theology for Christians. You are not required to read the book to attend the class, but if you find the subject matter interesting, this would be a terrific supplement for the class.
Ryan Schumacher, Bible Geeks leader, records content for each week for his YouTube channel, separate from the Adult Ed class. You may view those recordings anytime here at Bible Geeks on YouTube.
A note from Ryan:
There were two questions in particular that deserved a better follow-up than I was able to give in the class today. This afternoon, I recorded quick answers to those particular questions and have posted them as supplemental videos below.
Question 2 – Did Jesus Say There Are Other Gods?We got into a discussion that I didn’t adequately finish today about what it meant for Jesus to quote Psalm 82 (I said “you are gods, sons of the most high”) when he was defending his divinity. On its face, it sounds like Jesus is saying that it’s no big deal for Him to call Himself God because there were lots of other gods. As I said in class today, I don’t think that’s the proper reading, but I didn’t give a complete answer as to why. Here’s the full response to that question.
Next week, we’ll cover the Old Testament Theology of creation, and get into what the ancient understanding of the Image of God is. I look forward to seeing you all again!
Next week, we’ll cover the theology of the covenants and the law. Looking forward to seeing you all again!
Thanks for another great class today! As always, I thank all of you who chose to spend your time to listen to my lessons on the Bible. The theology of the covenants are among the most important to me personally, and I hope that my passion for their message and importance came through today.
Week 3 Pre-Recorded Video: Can be found here.
Also, for anyone who is looking for previous videos, you can find the YouTube recordings here:
Class 1 – Who is Yahweh?
Class 2 – Theology of Creation
Playlist of all videos from this season here (you can save this link, as all videos related to this class in the future will end up here too)
Previous live zoom classes are available on our church Youtube Channel:
Class 1 Live – Who is Yahweh?
Class 2 Live – Theology of Creation
A note from Ryan:
Thanks again for coming out to Bible Geeks this morning. Hopefully today’s class was a helpful perspective on the Sinai law and why Christians follow some, but not all, of those rules.
A note from Ryan:
I really enjoyed our discussion of satan & evil today. I know it was new and challenging content, but one of the things I love about this group is how many of you are willing to come out and engage with this kind of deep material. It says a lot about our church that we have so many people interested in this level of study!
A note from Ryan:
October 2021
Clever and Lisa serve in Lima, Perú, under the leadership of Camino de Vida church. What began as a mission trip to Perú to provide wheelchairs to those in need, God has developed into their family mission, to connect people with special needs and disabilities to Jesus through the vibrant local church. Learn more about how God is working through these two in Perú. Read more on their blog at

September 2021
Heather Radzinski, Director of Philanthropy for Opportunity International in Chicago, talks about God’s call for us to love and serve the poor through the mission of Opportunity International. Opportunity International provides microfinance loans, savings, insurance and training to over 14.3 million people who are working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Clients in 24 countries use these financial services to start or expand a business, provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future. Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose.
Mary Ann Cooper, MD, an emergency physician by training, is an international expert in lightning injuries and lightning injury prevention. She received her BS and MD from Michigan State University (1971, 1975) and trained in Emergency Medicine (EM) at the University of Cincinnati. As an early pioneer in emergency medicine, she helped design training and accreditation standards in emergency medicine and served on the governing boards of several national EM organizations and as an Oral Board Examiner for more than a decade.
Dr. Cooper was awarded Professor Emerita on retirement from the University of Illinois in 2009 but continues working internationally to mentor young lightning scientists, to research and prevent lightning injuries, and to educate and raise awareness of lightning safety. She is the Managing Director of the African Centres for Lightning and Electromagnetics Network, a nonprofit dedicated to reducing deaths, injuries and property damage from lightning across Africa and is active internationally with many other lightning safety programs around the world.
Jay and Ann have been involved in outreach to Muslims since 1986. They have lived and worked mainly in South and Southeast Asia. Beginning in 2005 they saw a small movement to Jesus among Southeast Asian Muslims that continues to this day. Jay teaches part-time online at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. They have two grown children and two grandchildren. Jay and Ann will be sharing different types of ministries God is using today in reaching Muslims with the good news of Jesus. They will also share about their time in Afghanistan in 2019.
WATCH A RECORDING (password protected; use Zoom password from session)
July 2021
Many people think being a Christian means you never have struggles and that your life will be one straight shot to heaven. We know from scripture that isn’t true. In John 16:33b NLT, Jesus says “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We soon realize that struggles are an (important) part of our faith journey. No one gets through life without struggles. Our speakers will share their journey, their story, helping us all understand that we are not alone in our struggles in life and maybe in faith, too. It is our reliance on God that will help us through the difficult times.
Many people think being a Christian means you never have struggles and that your life will be one straight shot to heaven. We know from scripture that isn’t true. In John 16:33b NLT, Jesus says “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We soon realize that struggles are an (important) part of our faith journey. No one gets through life without struggles. Our speakers will share their journey, their story, helping us all understand that we are not alone in our struggles in life and maybe in faith, too. It is our reliance on God that will help us through the difficult times.
Many people think being a Christian means you never have struggles and that your life will be one straight shot to heaven. We know from scripture that isn’t true. In John 16:33b NLT, Jesus says “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We soon realize that struggles are an (important) part of our faith journey. No one gets through life without struggles. Our speakers will share their journey, their story, helping us all understand that we are not alone in our struggles in life and maybe in faith, too. It is our reliance on God that will help us through the difficult times.
June 2021
Many people think being a Christian means you never have struggles and that your life will be one straight shot to heaven. We know from scripture that isn’t true. In John 16:33b NLT, Jesus says “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We soon realize that struggles are an (important) part of our faith journey. No one gets through life without struggles. Our speakers will share their journey, their story, helping us all understand that we are not alone in our struggles in life and maybe in faith, too. It is our reliance on God that will help us through the difficult times.
Angalia “Bianca” was raised in Oak Park, IL, by her father and paternal grandmother. Growing up, she was heavily spoiled and grew out of control. She dropped out of high school, started abusing heroin at the age of 17 and went on to struggle with addiction for 36 years. At 21, she joined a Chicago Latino gang and eventually became a career criminal ultimately serving more than 12 years in state prison.
Bianca lived in the CHA ABLA housing projects on the west side of Chicago for over 25 years. During this time the onslaught of violence meant that bullets would ricochet past her head daily. She saw many young people killed from gun violence. After some time, she began to lose touch with reality and believed that things would never get better.
Upon her release from prison on August 9, 2011, she sought help from A Safe Haven in Chicago. She received help to treat the root causes of her drug addiction. She lived at A Safe Haven for 8 months, stayed sober, got a job and was determined to change her life for the better.
Bianca started working as a violence interrupter for the anti-violence group CeaseFire in October 2011. After three years she began working at their headquarters at the University of Illinois Chicago as a violence prevention Trainer and Coordinator of Data & Documentation until August 2019. Bianca has since transitioned into a new position at the UIC College of Medicine HIV Telemedicine department working with the Illinois prison population as a Reentry Resource Specialist for returning citizens being released from the Illinois Department of Corrections.
Bianca has become a sought-after authority on violence prevention, speaking around the world. She has received multiple awards including a State of Illinois Humanitarian Award, City of Chicago Resolution for Bravery, the National Association of Social Workers Public Citizen of the Year, and others. She has reunited with her family and children and has dedicated her life to violence prevention, youth, and helping others. She travels internationally to deliver presentations on incarceration, gangs, violence prevention, anti-terrorism, human trafficking, substance abuse and social change at universities, high schools, Rotary clubs, state prisons, state and city legislation hearings/committees, and national conventions.
Bianca has been featured in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, A & E Network Documentary, CNN Anderson Cooper 360, The Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, BBC News London, WCIU TV, WGN Morning Show, DenTalks Podcast, 2014 February issue of Rotary International Magazine, and more.
In May 2020, Bianca graduated with her Bachelor of Arts degree in ‘Inner City Studies’ at Northeastern Illinois University Chicago. Bianca currently lives in Chicago, Illinois. Bianca’s memoir, – IN DEEP: How I Survived Gangs, Heroin and Prison To Become A Chicago Violence Interrupter – was released on October 1, 2018 Published by Chicago Review Press
May 2021
Paul writes an angry, or at least strong, series of letters to various churches: “Shape up! Don’t be fooled,” and don’t let people pressure you to keep walking backward. Join us to hear what Paul says!
Paul writes an angry, or at least strong, series of letters to
various churches: “Shape up! Don’t be fooled,” and don’t let people
pressure you to keep walking backward. Join us to hear what Paul says!
Join Rev. Ericka Bailey this Sunday for Where is God in Mental Illness. Rev. Ericka Bailey was born in Chicago and moved to Quincy, IL at an early age. She received her education at Quincy Public Schools and earned her Bachelor of Science Degree at Western Illinois University. She has spent the majority of her career in the Social Service field and currently utilizes those skills in actively serving the community.
Rev. Bailey is the wife of James C. Bailey who is the Pastor of St. Stephen A.M.E. Church in Chicago. She is the mother of four adult children. She accepted her call to preach in 2006 and was ordained in September 2009. While she gladly serves at the pulpit on a weekly basis, she firmly holds that true ministry is lived outside of the church four walls. She strives to make a difference in the lives of all with whom she come into contact.
Rev. Bailey is a member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She is active in addressing social issues within the community and works diligently to uphold the standards of this most illustrious public-service sorority.
She strives to live by the scripture “to whom much is given, much is required.”
Rev. Bailey is the founder of I Survived Ministries whose purpose is to inspire others to live by faith and hope in spite of adversity. She has partnered with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) serving as a Lead Presenter for the Ending the Silence Program as well as serving as a regular panelist for the Cook County Sheriff’s Department and Chicago Police Department’s Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). She speaks throughout Chicago Public Schools and various universities sharing her personal testimony which includes a history of childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, living with depression and anxiety. Her story further highlights components of her recovery including an active faith, proper nutrition, daily exercise, getting adequate sleep, and maintaining regular contact with her physician.
Rev. Bailey is the author of the book ‘I Survived’ which is available for purchase on her website and on
April 2021
Paul writes an angry, or at least strong, series of letters to
various churches: “Shape up! Don’t be fooled,” and don’t let people
pressure you to keep walking backward. Join us to hear what Paul says!
Paul writes an angry, or at least strong, series of letters to
various churches: “Shape up! Don’t be fooled,” and don’t let people
pressure you to keep walking backward. Join us to hear what Paul says!
March 2021
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 9 from March 21, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 9 Video from Ryan’s Channel
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 8 from March 14, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 8 Video from Ryan’s Channel
- John Walton connects his teaching on Job specifically to the coronavirus
- NT Wright shares his reflections on how Christians should respond to the pandemic
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 7 from March 7, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 7 Video from Ryan’s Channel
Bonus “Geek Out” Video (8 minutes): Dig into the topic of moral responsibility. If the future is determined, how can we be morally responsible? I share a quick story from philosopher Harry Frankfurt that illustrates how we can be morally responsible and yet there by no alternative.
Next week, we tackle the Book of Job. As we go into the last segment of the class where we consider God’s foreknowledge and its implications for suffering, we will take a stop at the part of the bible most associated with existential questions of suffering – the story of Job. Pre-work – John Walton’s excellent overview of Job.
February 2021
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 6 from February 28, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 6 Video from Ryan’s Channel
Martha Trantow shares her cancer journey walking with God.
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 5 from February 14, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 5 Video from Ryan’s Channel
Bonus “Geek Out” Video: An in-depth look at the most common issue with Molinism, which is called “grounding objection.” If you’d like to know more about the strange phrase, “Why not worship the card dealer?,” check out this Geek Out video.
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 4 from February 7, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 4 Video from Ryan’s Channel
Bonus “Geek Out” Video: Ryan’s unfiltered thoughts about Open Theism.
Next week, we talk about the perspective that tries to have its cake and eat it too: an attempted synthesis between divine sovereignty and human freedom known as the Middle Knowledge or Molinist perspective. The video is of prominent Christian apologist William Lane Craig, known as one of the most prolific debaters and defenders of Christian doctrine (most specifically for his work on the resurrection and on the cosmological argument for God’s existence). Pre-work, for those so inclined, can be found here.
January 2021
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 3 from January 31, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 6 Video from Ryan’s Channel
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 2 from January 24, 2021
Additional Resources:
VIEW the full Week 2 Video from Ryan’s Channel
Bonus “Geek Out” Video: For those who wanted to get even deeper into some discussion on Simple Foreknowledge and God’s relationship to time, digging into some problems with thinking of God as eternal, introducing the problem of “Hilbert’s Hotel,” and the problem of natural evil and suffering from the simple foreknowledge perspective.
Why Study God’s Foreknowledge? A separate segment of the first part, which is focused specifically on the question of Why Study God’s Foreknowledge? This isn’t just about academic philosophy. What you believe about God’s foreknowledge affects your witness of the gospel to people who are suffering, or wondering about whether or not God answers their prayers.
RC Sproul – Sovereignty of God
Unbelievable Podcast – Free Will vs. Determinism (Leighton Flowers vs. Chris Date) in three formats: Youtube, Spotify, or Apple Podcast
What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? | WINTER 2021
Exploring foreknowledge, human freedom, and the pandemic
Bible Geeks; led by Ryan Schumacher
If God is in charge of everything, knows everything, and accomplishes His purposes, how is it that bad things like this pandemic happen? Questions like this have been contemplated by biblical authors and theologians for millennia in the midst of many historical tragedies. Bible Geeks will explore some of the answers that theologians have given to this question and its implications for our understanding of God and what it means to be God’s image-bearers in this world.
WATCH Week 1 from January 10, 2021
Additional Resources:
DOWNLOAD Bible Geeks Season 6 Syllabus
December 2020
Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture by H.B. Charles Jr.
Several of the Bible’s most instructive passages that summarize the blessings Christians enjoy from God and declare the praises worthy of His name. These theologically rich verses, called benedictions and doxologies, are given with an edifying purpose: to direct our worship and guide our daily walk with the Lord.
Dec 13 Handout: Blessings and Praise – H B Charles, Jr Session 7
November 2020
Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture by H.B. Charles Jr.
Several of the Bible’s most instructive passages that summarize the blessings Christians enjoy from God and declare the praises worthy of His name. These theologically rich verses, called benedictions and doxologies, are given with an edifying purpose: to direct our worship and guide our daily walk with the Lord.
Nov 29 Handout: Blessings and Praise – H B Charles, Jr Session 6
Led by Kim Ericson. Kim is the Director of Operations at Naomi’s House. Naomi’s House is comprehensive programming offering hope and healing for women who have been commercially sexually exploited. It’s programs offer a safe place that foster healing and faith in Christ, leading to life-transformation.
- To sign up for emails to be in prayer for the trafficking survivors at Naomi’s House, send an email to
- To donate financially, use their secure online portal.
- Gift cards are particularly desirable so the women can exercise their own will to select their own clothing: Marshalls/TJ Maxx, Walmart, Kohl’s, Amazon, or Target. Please mail gift cards to:
Kim Ericson
P.O. Box 515
Wheaton, IL 60187
Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture by H.B. Charles Jr.
Several of the Bible’s most instructive passages that summarize the blessings Christians enjoy from God and declare the praises worthy of His name. These theologically rich verses, called benedictions and doxologies, are given with an edifying purpose: to direct our worship and guide our daily walk with the Lord.
Nov 15 Handout: Blessings and Praise – H B Charles, Jr Session 5
Shannon and Katie have been working in the Middle East for the past 12 years. They are parents of three children (Sam, 19; Anna, 18; and Grace, 14). Shannon has degrees from both Fuller and Princeton Theological Seminaries (M.Div and Th. M) and Katie holds her masters in Theology from Fuller Seminary. Shannon was also a Visiting Research Fellow at Hebrew University from 2009-2015.
Shannon has been working with Muslims full-time since 2003 starting with Common Ground Consultants, served in Lebanon at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in 2004, and has been on the field full-time since 2008 in both Jerusalem and the broader Middle East. She is currently serving on a leadership team overseeing the Middle East Region.
Shannon and Katie have seen God break through paradigms and traditions, and do things they could never have imagined! When Jesus said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men,” they had no idea they’d end up where they are today — “we are still learning and experiencing Him in new ways every day.”
Below are some resources cited during the class:
Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture by H.B. Charles Jr.
Several of the Bible’s most instructive passages that summarize the blessings Christians enjoy from God and declare the praises worthy of His name. These theologically rich verses, called benedictions and doxologies, are given with an edifying purpose: to direct our worship and guide our daily walk with the Lord.
Nov 1 Handout: Blessings and Praise – H B Charles, Jr Session 4
October 2020
Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture by H.B. Charles Jr.
Several of the Bible’s most instructive passages that summarize the blessings Christians enjoy from God and declare the praises worthy of His name. These theologically rich verses, called benedictions and doxologies, are given with an edifying purpose: to direct our worship and guide our daily walk with the Lord.
Oct 18 Handout: Blessings and Praise – H B Charles, Jr Session 3
Rev. Dan McNerney is an associate director for Frontier Fellowship, a mission support group for churches worldwide and a First Pres Mission Partner. He joined Frontier Fellowship in 1996. He and his wife, Sharon, live with their five children in Winnetka, IL. Dan’s primary areas of responsibility are in the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States. For the past 15 years, Dan has become involved with mission work among Muslims in the United States, including forging interfaith dialogues and relationships with local Muslim communities.
Dan is a graduate of Yale University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. For five years after college, Dan was an agricultural commodities trader for Cargill, Inc. in Minneapolis, MN. During that time, he came to know the Lord; eventually, he felt a call into ministry. In the mid-1980’s, Dan lived and worked in San Jose, Costa Rica, helping start a new church. After seminary, he worked as an assistant pastor for the Winnetka Presbyterian Church in Illinois for seven years. In 1996, Dan was ordained and became a member of the Presbyterian Church USA.
Since 2002, Dan has led numerous vision trips to Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Overseas, Dan works through Christian partners to help them develop frontier mission programs. In addition, Dan has initiated a unique interfaith friendship between his church, the Village Presbyterian Church in Northbrook, IL, and a local Bosnian mosque in Chicago. Dan now helps churches across America to build bridges of friendship and witness opportunities with local Muslim communities.
View or download: Book Recommendations by Dan McNerney
Special Adult Ed Series—September & October 2020
Race, Racism, and Biblical Christianity
Led by Lisa Sung, Author and Professor of Systematic Theology
Race and racism have given rise to—and continue to sustain—harmful patterns of societal inequality that are powerful, complex, and deeply entrenched. This course lays a foundation for coming to grips with them, ultimately within the framework of biblical Christianity. We will clarify the status of human “races”; trace the origins of racism and the establishment of racial inequality in the history of the United States to the present day; and apply key social scientific concepts to identify different forms of racism and racial inequality in the past and present. Next, we will examine these issues theologically, in light of (1) the biblical vision of humanity and its implications for “races” and ethnic groups; and (2) biblical teaching about the relation of justice, righteousness, mercy, and love to “seeking first God’s kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33) as Jesus’ disciples. Finally, we will consider some practical next steps to take, both personal and collaborative possibilities.
September 13. Introduction: What is “Race”?
Handouts and Other Resources:
- Why Race is Not a Thing
- Culture, “Race,” and Ethnicity: Basic Premises & Key Definitions
- Link to video presented (start at 1:24)
WATCH RECORDING (password protected; see Thursday email for password. Note: You should only have to enter the password once per device.)
September 20. The Historical Establishment and Continuing Expressions of Racism and Racial Inequality in U.S. Society
Handouts and Other Resources:
WATCH RECORDING (password protected; see Thursday email for password. Note: You should only have to enter the password once per device.)
September 27. Recognizing Different Forms of Racism and Racial Inequality in U.S. Society, Past and Present
HOMEWORK: If at all possible, please read and be prepared to share your thoughts on the major points being argued in these short essays, read in the following order:
- 9-27 Foner, ‘The Lost Promise of Reconstruction’ (NYT Opinion, 9-7-2019)
- 9-27 Janko, “Elouise Cobell – A Small Measure of Justice” (2013)
- 9-27 Dailey, ‘Some Unexpected Links’
- 9-27 Marino, ‘Me? Apologize for Slavery?’
- 9-27 Foner – ‘Confederate Statues and ‘Our’ History’ (NYT Opinion, 8-20-17)
Note: “Review of Concepts” hand-out below includes definitions of “racialization” and “racism” that may aid you in reflecting on these essays.
Additional Reading:
- 9-27 Gates – ‘The Lost Cause’ that Built Jim Crow’ (NYT ’19)
- 9-27 Foner, ‘Why Reconstruction Matters’ (NYT Opinion, 3-28-15)
WATCH RECORDING (password protected; see Thursday email for password. Note: You should only have to enter the password once per device.)
October 4. “Race,” Ethnicity, and Humanity: A Biblical and Theological Perspective
October 4 Handout – Sung
WATCH RECORDING (password protected; see Thursday email for password. Note: You should only have to enter the password once per device.)
October 11. Justice, Love, and “Seeking First God’s Kingdom and Righteousness” as Jesus’ Disciples: A Biblical and Theological Perspective
10-11 Sung – Humankind in Biblical Vision, Racialization Analysis, Mullainathan
10-11 Bookwalter – Woman arrested … Winnetka pier
10-11 Cox – Antiracism Rally in Evanston Days After Confederate Flag Towel Displayed at Beach
10-11 Crepeau – 3rd Trial of Jackie Wilson Suddenly Gets Dropped
10-11 Schmich – Trailblazing judge also played a sweet sax
10-11 Chotiner- Bryan Stevenson on Frustration Behind George Floyd Protests, The New Yorker ’20
10-11 Nordell – Is This How Discrimination Ends, Atlantic, ’17
10-11 – Seeking 1st God’s Kdm & Rtsness as Jesus’ Disciples – Justice, Rtsness, and Agape Love
WATCH RECORDING (password protected; see Thursday email for password. Note: You should only have to enter the password once per device.)
October 18. Addressing Christianly Contemporary Realities: Possible Arenas and Next Steps.
Our final session is devoted to the question, “Where do we go from here?” We’ll begin with a “Big Picture” survey, briefly revisiting the key ideas and allowing for brief sharing of insights/questions in relation to each session. We’ll also have time for further whole-group discussion and for processing in small groups. (If time allows, Lisa may share a bit of her own journey of transformation around some of these issues, which has shaped the approach this course takes.)
WATCH RECORDING (password protected; see Thursday email for password. Note: You should only have to enter the password once per device.)
September 2020
Blessing and Praise: Benedictions & Doxologies in Scripture by H.B. Charles Jr.
Several of the Bible’s most instructive passages that summarize the blessings Christians enjoy from God and declare the praises worthy of His name. These theologically rich verses, called benedictions and doxologies, are given with an edifying purpose: to direct our worship and guide our daily walk with the Lord.
Join us as we explore Where is God in Environmentalism. We will look at:
- What scripture says about taking care of the planet
- Current environmental issues for our planet
- What in the big picture what needs to change and what’s going on in our current administration
- What has improved environmentally
- Our local picture, featuring a presentation by Dick Alton of Interfaith Green Network
- What we can do, including thoughts from climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe
Barb DeHaan
Barb has been a First Pres member for many years. She is an infectious disease nurse, studied zoology. Barb is also an avid nature lover and is always learning about new ways to get more involved in the environmental movement.
Dick Alton
Dick is Co-chair of Interfaith Green Connections, Chair of the Green Action Team of Oak Park’s Euclid Av. United Methodist Church, member of the core team of Seven Generations Ahead PlanItGreen, helped start Green Community Connections (One Earth Film fest), member of Chicago’s Sustainable Leaders Network and co-chair of the Eco-Sustainability Task Force of the United Methodist Northern Illinois Conference.
- Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
- Suggested Videos, Organizations, and Books
- Refrigerator Recycling Guide
- More about the Interfaith Green Network
Interested in learning more about Interfaith Green Network?
Join the 2021 Interfaith Green Network Kick-Off. on October 15 at 8:00-9:30 am.
- Keynote speaker: Brian Sauder, President and Executive Director, Faith In Place, addressing how Black Lives Matter and the Coronavirus intersects with caring for the environment.
- Gary Cuneen, Seven Generations Ahead, talking about the future of Oak Park and River Forest sustainability.
- Youth initiative, It’s Our Future, joining Gary.
- There will be break out groups following the 25 minutes of presentations.
Bill Lundeen will lead a class titled “Where is God in Our Current Political Atmosphere: What Would Jesus Do?”
This summer feels as hopeless as the summer of 1968. What would Jesus do in the midst of such violence and hatred? Indeed what is Jesus doing among political adversaries that is expanding His Kingdom? And how can we get involved in it? Come hear one approach (of hundreds I am sure) —one that I’ve happened to be a witness to for 38 years that works. Because Jesus is in the middle of it.
July 2020
Dominique DuBois Gilliard is the Director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is the author of Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores, which won a 2018 Book of the Year Award for InterVarsity Press and was named Outreach Magazine’s 2019 Social Issues Resource of the Year. Gilliard also serves as an adjunct professor at North Park Theological Seminary and on the board of directors for the Christian Community Development Association. In 2015, the Huffington Post named him one of the “Black Christian Leaders Changing the World.”
About Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice That Restores:
The United States has five percent of the world’s population but 25 percent of the world’s incarcerated. We have more people locked up in jails, prisons, and detention centers than any other country in the history of the world. There are more jails and prisons than degree-granting colleges and universities, and in many places more people live behind bars than on college campuses. Mass incarceration has become a lucrative industry, and the criminal justice system is plagued with bias and unjust practices. And the church has unwittingly contributed to these problems.
In Rethinking Incarceration Dominique Gilliard explores the history and foundation of mass incarceration, examining Christianity’s role in its evolution and expansion. He assesses our nation’s ethic of meritocratic justice in light of Scripture and exposes the theologies that embolden mass incarceration. Gilliard then shows how Christians can pursue justice that restores and reconciles, offering creative solutions and highlighting innovative interventions. God’s justice is ultimately restorative, not just punitive. Discover how Christians can participate in the restoration and redemption of the incarceration system.
Download handout about Dominique: Adult Ed – Jul 26, Dominique Gilliard Jul 26, 2020
Terry McIntyre has spent 35 days (and counting) with God as he battled COVID-19. Fifteen days on a ventilator at Loyola Hospital, and every day since. Terry will share his journey with COVID seeing God in every step.
LISTEN to a recording of the Zoom session
Download Terry’s Timeline of Clinical Events
Additional handouts:
>Poetry for the Soul
>Choral Anthem – Music for the Soul
>Prayer – Wind That Fills My Sail
Adult Ed Syllabus – Psalms of Asaph
Asaph Psalms
Asaphian Chronology
July 12 – Psalm 1
PSALM 1 – The Two Ways
An Overview of the New Testament and How It Relates to the Old Testament
How To Read The Bible – Week 4
June 2020
Adult Ed Syllabus – Psalms of Asaph
Asaph Psalms
Asaphian Chronology
June 28 – Psalm 83
PSALM 83 – National Prayer for Divine Aid
First Pres Elder and former Clerk of Session, Bobbie Gregg, joins us to share her story and her thoughts on the current environment and policy recommendations. This is part of our ongoing discussion of inclusion and equity as apprentices of Jesus.
Handout: Letter From a Birmingham Jail
An Overview of the Old Testament: The Foundation of Our Faith, Part 2
How to Read the Bible – Weeks 2 and 3
James Borishade, Executive Director and CEO of Circle Urban Ministries, a mission partner of First Pres, shared his view of the current black perspective in light of recent events, including emotions, hopes, and goals. James has extensive experience in mentoring and race relations.
May 2020
Adult Ed Syllabus – Psalms of Asaph
Asaph Psalms
Asaphian Chronology
May 31 – Psalm 82
PSALM 82 – Corrupt Judges Arraigned
An Overview of the Old Testament: The Foundation of Our Faith, Part 1
How to Read the Bible – Weeks 2 and 3
Adult Ed Syllabus – Psalms of Asaph
Asaph Psalms
Asaphian Chronology
May 17 – Psalm 81
PSALM 81 – A Festival Meditation
March 2020
In 1967, the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pointed Rev. Bibbs out of a huge crowd during a service at Wayman African Methodist Episcopal Church which is positioned right in the heart of the former Cabrini-Green Housing Projects of Chicago. During his message Dr. King asked him to come forward to make an illustration in his sermon. At that very moment – Dr. King was challenging the audience to take responsibility for the promising future of the next generation and to bring pride back to their community. That moment left a lasting impression on Alvin’s life – especially after Dr. King shared a prayer of blessing over his life at the end of the church service alongside of his parents and four siblings.
Rev. Alvin C. Bibbs, Sr. is a highly sought-after motivational speaker, author (Crazy Enough to Care: Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice, & Racial Reconciliation, InterVarsity Press), and serves as an organizational coach/facilitator to congregations, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations across North America. Rev. Bibbs served as the primary Chaplain to the world-famous Chicago Cubs for seven amazing seasons and is a well-known contributing cast member of the now-famous Hoop Dreams (1994), an award-winning documentary on contemporary American inner-city culture.
Currently, Rev. Bibbs serves as President and CEO of the Justice Journey Alliance™, an organization with a vision to reach an ever-increasing population divided by race and injustice. Rev. Bibbs also serves as the Community & Faith Engagement Officer for Together Chicago providing leadership to enlist local churches in Chicago to organize Gospel Justice Centers throughout the city.
Rev. Bibbs holds a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Leadership Development & Organizational Management from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA
Alana Murphy is from Oak Park, and grew up attending First Pres. She has spent the past nine years studying international migration and providing services to displaced people in Jordan, Morocco, the Philippines, Ecuador, and China. Murphy interned with the U.S. Department of State—Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. She has spent time working with World Relief, World Vision, and the International Organization for Migration. In 2018, she biked 4,380 miles across the United States as part of project called The Beautiful Crossing. Along the way she interviewed former refugees about their experiences starting life over in the United States
February 2020
Pastor James Brooks currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Harmony Community Church and the Vice President of Mission and Community Engagement at Lawndale Christian Health Center. Pastor Brooks is a summa cum laude graduate of Concordia University where he majored in Organizational Management. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Northern Theological Seminary where he was the first Dr. John Perkins Scholar graduate. Pastor Brooks completed his Youth and Theology Certification at Princeton Theological Seminary and Clinical Pastoral Education unit at the University of Illinois Medical Center. Pastor Brooks is committed to listening and responding to the people who have been hurt and marginalized by society.
Led by Kevin Radzinski, Director of Young Life in Oak Park and River Forest.
Jackie Kareb began her career as a registered nurse 44 years ago. While still a student, she developed a passion for helping people maintain their health and thrive in their home environment as they recovered from illness or injury. Beginning her career as a staff nurse, Jackie transitioned into leadership various positions including Clinical Nurse Manager, Nursing Care Coordinator, Quality Improvement, and Discharge Planning. She practiced in a variety of community health settings, with the greatest portion of her career at Loyola University Medical Center’s home care and hospice programs. Jackie also participated in the development of a palliative care consulting service. Jackie earned a Master of Science degree in public health nursing. Although retired since 2018, she continues to hold professional certification in hospice and palliative care nursing.
Terry McIntyre began teaching freshman English to adults and nursing students at Northwestern University in 1970, and also taught at Auburn University and Roosevelt University. He then served as a Lutheran lay missionary, teaching English and linguistics at Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which led him to receive a Master of Divinity degree. After seminary Terry served as parish pastor at three Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA) congregations on the northwest side of Chicago, and then transitioned into pastoral care and hospice chaplaincy serving at Provena Villa Franciscan, Loyola University Medical Center, and the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) of Greater Philadelphia. From 2007 to 2019, Terry taught English, Humanities, and Philosophy (including an elective course, Death and Dying) at Harper College. In his retirement Terry writes, teaches Sunday School and VBS, preaches when asked, and tutors individuals.
Julie Raino began her career 40 years ago with a passion for discovering what made communities “healthy” and how to advocate for health in the life of both individuals and organizations. An ordained minister and certified grief counselor, she has served communities as a counselor, pastor, and school teacher counselor, and principal. As a chaplain, she served children and their families at Children’s Memorial Hospital, and the oncology/AIDS units at Columbus Hospital and Northwestern Hospital, the hospice unit at Mercy Hospital, as well as families and staff at West Suburban Hospital. She has served families experiencing perinatal loss through Hinsdale Hospital’s “Still Missed Program” and has participated in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s LOSS program for suicide loss. As a school counselor with the Archdiocese of Chicago, she served schools of primarily immigrant children who face specific loss and trauma Presently, Julie serves as Director of Meridian Counseling for Grief and Loss, and is Bereavement Coordinator at Heartland Hospice. She leads support groups, individual counseling sessions, workshops, training, and retreats for people who are grieving, along with the families and professionals who support them.
January 2020
Nigel Lee, 20, was incarcerated at 16 after a string of arrests as a gang member. While at the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, awaiting trial, Lee wanted a way out of the world he had known in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, a world overrun with gang wars. He decided to break away from gangs and its life of violence. Nigel, now a sophomore at Parkland College in Urbana, is featured in a recent Chicago Tribune article, an AT&T commercial, and most recently was recruited to audition for Michael B. Jordon’s next movie.
Dr. Tasha Davis is founder and CEO of Save One Life Foundation. She was born and raised in Cabrini Green and on the Westside of Chicago. Dr. Davis was a tutor/mentee of The Montgomery Ward Cabrini-Green Tutoring Program. “Tutors from Moody Bible Institute were dedicated; they broke cultural/racial boundaries and helped nurture my undying love for learning and fostered my relationship with Christ. Though I was born in poverty, my life was saved because I took advantage of the opportunities that were given to me through education.” Dr. Davis holds a Doctorate degree in Leadership and Education, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration-Finance.
Dr. Davis served as the Associate Dean of Correctional programs inside of IYC St. Charles from 2016-2018, where her calling was to help bridge the gap by offering ways for incarcerated youth to return home, and not go back to prison. Dr. Davis implemented traditional programs to help marginalized youth return to the community by providing self-sustaining resources (i.e. education, jobs, mentoring, traditional housing, and music enrichment).
Marilyn Borst is Associate Director for Partnership Development for The Outreach Foundation. She works with churches around the United States to help them discern God’s call to global engagement while connecting them to that work alongside the Global Church in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East – a particular area of specialty for her. She travels extensively, nurturing relationships with church leaders, assessing ministry initiatives, and leading short-term vision teams. Just within the past five years, her journeys have taken her to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Oman, Israel/Palestine, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, Mozambique, Kenya, Rwanda, and Malawi. She has participated in four archaeological digs in Jordan and Egypt and taught as adjunct faculty at the University of Houston for 20 years. She is ordained as a Presbyterian elder.
Download Marilyn’s Handout Where is God in the Persecuted Church
Joel Hamernick is the Executive Director of Sunshine Gospel Ministries, a 114-year-old urban ministry in Chicago. Joel’s work focuses on youth outreach and enrichment, service learning, business incubation, violence reduction, and facilities development. Joel recently developed a business incubator to combat poverty through business growth on the Southside of Chicago with the launch of Greenline Coffee – a for-profit impact investor model of business and job creation.
Joel is a sought-after speaker, often appearing at universities, conferences, and churches around the country speaking on the topics of the gospel and justice; biblical perspectives on race, poverty, and the city; as well as a wide range of other subjects both theological and organizational in nature. His undergraduate studies were in Bible and Theology at Moody Bible Institute, and graduate work was in Organizational Leadership at Cairn University.
Alana Murphy is from Oak Park, and grew up attending First Pres. She has spent the past nine years studying international migration and providing services to displaced people in Jordan, Morocco, the Philippines, Ecuador, and China. Murphy interned with the U.S. Department of State—Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. She has spent time working with World Relief, World Vision, and the International Organization for Migration. In 2018, she biked 4,380 miles across the United States as part of project called The Beautiful Crossing. Along the way she interviewed former refugees about their experiences starting life over in the United States.